Stepping into the UX-Verse: A Millennial's Career Leap

Hello, Fam! 👋

I'm Irene, and this marks the beginning of a great adventure. Fasten your seatbelts, get comfortable, and let yourselves be carried away. There are some twists, emotions, and a bit of oversharing coming your way. For me, writing is an essential part of my journey, and sharing it with others motivates me to keep growing and learning. So here we go!

Now, you might be wondering, "What on earth are you talking about, woman?" Well, let me tell you, it all began about a year ago. Back then, I was working at a startup in Stockholm, Sweden. I was part of the Marketing and Operations department, and even though I was learning a lot and enjoying the startup life, something just didn't quite fit. I felt incomplete, increasingly unmotivated, and on the verge of burnout. After several years in the field of Marketing, I realized I wanted something different.

During this time, I had the incredible fortune to be part of the creation and launch of a new product in the Spanish market. From the operations team, we worked hand in hand with designers to build the company's flagship product. The entire process fascinated me. And it became crystal clear to me - I wanted to be on the other side, where the magic happens.

I was about to hit the big 3-0, and the idea of flipping the script on my career? It felt like I was signing up for a rollercoaster. It was nerve-wracking, and a tad dizzying. Here I was, leaving a career that was 'fine' to take a wild leap into the unknown – seemed pretty wild, to be honest.

See, I'm a true-blue millennial. The idea of leaving a job without another one lined up? Absolutely terrifying. But then, the company bid me farewell (thanks to those layoffs in the tech market), and it turned out to be the most perfect plot twist ever.

I had no more excuses; I was going for it, and here I am. One year later, after a lot of hard work, study, and discipline, I'm diving into the world of UI/UX design. It's been a slow and steady journey, full of obstacles, some wins, and plenty of patience. In a year, I've managed to work with several clients as a freelancer and solidify the knowledge and skills I've picked up on my own. I know there's still a long road ahead, but as someone once said, it's the direction that matters more than the speed.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, first, to let you get to know me a little better. And second, because over this time, I've gathered knowledge, resources, and tools that I think could be helpful to others like me. Brave souls who want to embark on new journeys, who are curious about UI/UX design and personal growth, and who also want to give it a shot on their own, without breaking the bank.

So here we go! It's the beginning of a journey where I'll be sharing all the resources, tips, and knowledge that have helped me during this time. I hope they can assist all of you who, like me, want to take the leap and bet on your dreams. If you're looking to grow, learn, and share, are you ready to start?

Join the conversation, share your thoughts, and let's learn, grow, and inspire each other together. Your experiences, questions, and insights are not only welcomed but encouraged. The adventure is just beginning, and your voice is an essential part of it. So, what's on your mind? Comment below, and let's get the dialogue rolling!

Thanks for making it this far – more coming soon!

Hugs from the UX-Verse,

Irene Pedrico


An Art Lover's Journey to UX Design